Las semillitas, paper, watercolor, fabric, 10” x 8”, 2021, sold.

Little Mexican American Boy in the Orange Grove, paper, fabric, watercolor, gouache, 8” x 8”, 2021, sold.

Detail, Little Mexican American Boy in the Orange Grove, paper, fabric, watercolor, gouache, 8” x 8”, 2021, sold.

Detail, Little Mexican American Boy in the Orange Grove, paper, fabric, watercolor, gouache, 8” x 8”, 2021, sold.
Trinity of the Soil, paper, watercolor, fabric 10” x 8”, 2021, sold.

Nopalito en E.U., watercolor, paper, fabric, 10” x 8”, 2021, sold.

Study for Familia Americana Mend, photo paper, fabric, thread, 8” x 10”, 2021

Study for Familia Americana Mend, photo paper, fabric, thread, 8” x 10”, 2021
Study for Kiko, paper, watercolor, 5” x 7”, 2021

Campesina, embroidery, watercolor, 5” x 5”, 2021

De las Flores, embroidery, watercolor, 5” x 5”, 2021

Nopal Rosado, embroidery, watercolor, 5” x 5”, 2021
Zapatista en la selva, embroidery, watercolor, 5” x 5”, 2021
Quechua en Parque de las Papas, embroidery, 5" x 5", 2021.

Corazon de mi tierra, mixed media, 7” x 7” x 2.5”, 2021

Detail of Corazon de mi tierra, mixed media, 7” x 7” x 2.5”, 2021

Detail of Corazon de mi tierra, mixed media, 7” x 7” x 2.5”, 2021

Vuelan, vuelan…, mixed media, 4.5” x 8” x 2”, 2021, sold.

Detail Corazon de mi tierra, installation view, 2022.

Detail of Vuelan, vuelan…, mixed media, 4.5” x 8” x 2”, 2021, sold.

Detail Vuelan, vuelan..., installation view, 2022, sold.

The Past Remains the Present, mixed media, 19” x 58” x 3”, 2021, sold.

Detail of The Past Remains the Present, mixed media, 2021, sold.

#WeFeedYou, boxes, video, 77” x 58” x 20”, 2021.

They Didn't Know We Were Seeds, 2022, acrylic and remnants of flag, and photo on cardboard, 60 x 45 inches.
Detail, They Didn't Know We Were Seeds, 2022, acrylic and remnants of flag, and photo on cardboard, 60 x 45 inches.