Tatli (Father), 2023, cornhusks, photo on fabric weaving, thread, 30 inches x 36 inches x 6 inches.

Detail of Tatli, 2023.

chiquiteo jugando cerca de los campos/ boy playing near the fields, 2023, cornhusks, photograph, produce bag, embroidery, flag remnant, dimensions variable.

Detail of jugando cerca de los campos, 2023

de chiquito en los campos, 2023 cornhusks, fabric, produce bag, photo on paper, thread, site-specific installation, dimensions variable, photo credit Melissa Gamez-Herrera.

Detail of de chiquito en los campos, 2023

Presa House Gallery installation view, 2023, San Antonio

de chiquito en los campos, 2023, fabric, photo on paper, produce bag, thread, cornhusks, dimensions variable, installation view, photo credit Melissa Gamez-Herrera.

justicia, 2023, charcoal, fabric, thread, and rebozo, 40 in. x 40 in, installation view, photo credit Melissa Gamez-Herrera.

sacrifices for a homeland/ sacrificios por una patria , 2023, fabric, flags, paper, canvas, 96 x 96 inches.

Installation view, Talley Dunn Gallery, 2023.

Ancestra poderosa de las fronteras, 2022, oil on paper, cornhusks, maps, found papers, mylar, 72 inches by 36 inches.

Installation view, Talley Dunn Gallery.
Here Before Borders, 2022, mixed media on paper, 30 ½ x 22 inches, sold.
Detail, Here Before Borders, 2022, mixed media on paper, 30 ½ x 22 inches, sold.
Detail, Here Before Borders, 2022, mixed media on paper, 30 ½ x 22 inches, sold.

Canta, no llores, 2022, video, 5 minutes, 39 seconds, installation view.
Canta, no llores, 2022, video, 5 minutes, 39 seconds, installation view 2.

Canta, no llores, 2022, video, 5 minutes, 39 seconds, installation view 3.

La Enorme Distancia- documentation photo, installation and performance, collaboration with Sara Herrera, 2022, 15 minutes, Oak Cliff Cultural Center, Dallas, Texas.

La Enorme Distancia- Documentation photo 2, installation and performance, collaboration with Sara Herrera, 15 minutes, Oak Cliff Cultural Center, Dallas, Texas.

They Didn't Know We Were Seeds, 2022, acrylic, cardboard and remnants of flag, 60 inches by 45 inches.
They Didn't Know We Were Seeds, detail.

Mend-Familia Americana, 2022, photo on canvas, flag remnants, thread, 30 inches by 34 inches, sold.
Mend-Familia American detail, sold.

en el desierto, 2023 installation view, thread, fabric, water bottles, roses, 70 in. x 40 in. x 12 in., photo credit Melissa Gamez Herrera.

en el desierto, 2023 installation view, photo credit Melissa Gamez Herrera