La Enorme Distancia, 2022, collaboration with Sara Herrera, 15 minutes, Oak Cliff Cultural Center, Dallas, TX, photo documentation.

Pandemic Pachanga, video, 1:09 min, 2021. Pandemic Pachanga is a performance on video indicative of the atmosphere of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic.

Modern Day Tonanzin, installation and performance, Cliff Gallery, 2017

Their Labor of Our Fruits, collaboration with Precious Harris (pictured ), 2022, Latino Cultural Center, Dallas, performers Tiana Vick, Tina Medina and Jordan Verver.

Modern Day Tonanzin, installation and Performance, Cliff Gallery, Dallas, 2017.

Modern Day Tonanzin, installation and Performance, Cliff Gallery, Dallas, 2017.

Sewing an Imaginary family tree rebozo, performance, 2013, Davis Gallery, Dallas.

Imaginary family tree rebozo, performance, 2013, Davis Gallery, Dallas.

Imaginary family tree rebozo, performance, 2013, Davis Gallery, Dallas.

Imaginary family tree rebozo, performance, 2013, Davis Gallery, Dallas.
curandera-mama-madre-zumbista, performance, Bishop Arts district, Dallas, 2013.

curandera-mama-madre-zumbista, performance, Bishop Arts district, Dallas, 2013.

Disconnected, installation and performance, Cliff Gallery, Dallas, 2012.

Disconnected, installation and performance, Cliff Gallery, Dallas, 2012.

Disconnected, installation and performance, Cliff Gallery, Dallas, 2012.

Disconnected, installation and performance, Cliff Gallery, Dallas, 2012.

Indignant Chata and Insouciant Orlando, installation and performance, 500X Gallery, Dallas, 2008.

Indignant Chata and Insouciant Orlando, installation and performance, 500X Gallery, Dallas, 2008.

Kept Sensousness, performance, 500X Gallery, Dallas, 2007.

Kept Sensousness, performance, 500X Gallery, Dallas, 2007.